minor mora
pink transparent 7inch vinyl, lim.150
a_your mouth in my hands
b_multilingual talk channel
===> listen to at soundcloud
minor aura
Yamaoka: december sky.
white 7inch vinyl, lim.100
a_the monuments men
b_light room (final)
===> listen to a&b-snippet
minor aqua
Yamaoka: knuckle ball.
deep blue 7inch vinyl, lim.100
===> listen to a&b-snippet
minor ater
Moloch: universum.
clear blue 7inch vinyl, lim.150
postcards, stickers.
a_puls eines schmerzlosen universums
b_vor dem kreis der dunkelheit
minor ursa
Tlic: frustbär.
orange 7inch vinyl, lim.250
a_...dass er stirbt
b_infected detention
minor omen/lr-29
teal 7inch vinyl, lim.108
m_Diphasic - everything pales
l_Lcp - her worn out teeth
minor asia
Tlic: travelling
red 7inch vinyl
[surya] - in distress
[candra]- to psamathe